
Provider Services

Want to run a child care business?

There are a few details to think about before you begin your childcare business:

‣What type of child care would you like to offer families?

‣What skills and abilities do I have that would benefit a child?

‣Do I want to be my own boss?

‣What are the advantages of being a LNR, Registered LNR or a Licensed child care provider?

What is License Not Required Family Child Care? (LNR)

Anyone caring for only 1 or 2 children other than their own (by blood or marriage).  These child care providers do not need to be licensed with their regional health authority.

What is Registered License Not Required Family Child Care?  (Register LNR)

Anyone caring for only 1 or 2 children other than their own (by blood or marriage) who becomes registered with a Child Care Resource and Referral agency CCRR.

What is Licensed Family Child Care?  (LF)

Anyone caring for up to 7 children including your own in your home.  You are able to care for various ages within the Licensing guidelines.  These childcare providers must be licensed with their regional health authority or they are providing an illegal service. Check resources for more information!

What is Licensed Group Care? (LG)

Anyone caring for groups of children up to 25 in one group. There are a number of types of group care: 3 to 5 yr old (30 months to kindergarten), Infant Toddler (birth to 36 months), School Age (kindergarten to 12 yrs) and Preschool (30 months to 5 years).

How to Get Started

Want to Become Licensed?

Follow the link to the Province of British Columbia Child Care Branch site

Call your Licensing Officer at your local Health Unit. In Prince Rupert and Area the number is 250-631-4207

Follow the link to the Provincial Child Care Branch web site for funding and application information for licensed care.

Want to Become Registered Licensed Not Required?

For Registered License Not Required Family Child Care contact the local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) Center. In Prince Rupert and area the local CCRR is The Berry Patch CCRR at 300-2nd Ave West Prince Rupert, 250-622-2434 and berrypatch@citywest.ca. Our consultants will be happy to support you through the registration process. Support may include a LNR startup business binder and other small safety devices for your home.

Check Out The Lending Library

Resources For Child Care Providers