About The Berry Patch
The Prince Rupert Association for Community Living (PRACL) became a registered society under the Society Act in 1979 and is in good standing with both the BC Registrar of Societies and the Charitable Societies Registries of Canada.
Our Board
The PRACL board of directors has over seen the operations of the CCRR contract since January 1, 2001. The board has also over seen the management of the Success By Six and the Make Children First programs as well as currently managing the Literacy Now contract through Decota Literacy Solutions Society beginning in October 2018
Mission Statement
The goals and mission statement of the CCRR identify children as our future, acknowledge that healthy child development requires quality child care and that quality accessible affordable child care helps families improve themselves through training and work opportunities.
Community Partnerships
One of the CCRR’s defining characteristics is service through community partnerships. Over the years of service the CCRR has had numerous community partners at last count there have been 18 community partners many of whom repeatedly partnered with the CCRR. Working together with community partners The Berry Patch CCRR has brought high profile presenters to Prince Rupert such as Martin Broken Leg, Gary Annaka, Gordon Neufeld and Raffi. The CCRR participates in annual community events such as the Children’s Fair, Literacy Now mall event and kindergarten inoculation fair at the Prince Rupert health unit. Trips have been made to out reach communities to deliver parenting courses such as “Connect Patenting“ in collaboration with band health departments.
Our Service
A large part of our service is out reach to centers in Prince Rupert and to coastal village communities. Our early childhood educator staff are on hand to provide consults to child care providers and deliver hands on experiences to children in centers. The highly skilled educator/trainer staff give workshops and courses in Prince Rupert as well as our outreach communities. All staff maintain current certification and keep up to date on the latest research in the fields of early child development, health, nutrition, child behaviour, child care legislation and psycho-social fields. Annually we offer training to an average of 200 people. We make an average of 100 child care referrals a year and support nearly 150 families with Affordable Child Care Benefit application and reporting submissions. We loan out 120 items and activity boxes per year and make at least 80 center visits per year.
Where you can find The Berry Patch
The BPCCRR office is located on one of the two main streets in downtown Prince Rupert. It is a store front office with wheelchair and stroller access on one floor. The office is across the street from the downtown bus stop hub. It is one block from a Safeway and one block from the town’s mall.
Address: 300 2 Ave W, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1G6
Phone: (250) 622-2434